Photo by Skyler Ewing from Pexels
Meet Nutz, the squirrel of Bunaboom Zoo. Nutz is a good name for this nutty dude. He is crazy about nuts, they are his favorite food. He is crazy and zany, but not mean or rude. He is quiet and shy, without much to say, but when he feels safe, he comes out to play.
There are all types of squirrels found all over the world. If you are lucky, and want to, you can learn more from this squirrel.
Photo by skeeze from Pixabay
Meet O'Dor, the skunk, of Bunaboom Zoo. One lift of his tail will clear any room. There are few smells more awful than O'Dor. Even his friends are afraid to come over. If you see a black cat with a white stripe on it's back, then it's not a cat! Take a step back from that.
In American forests you can find them all over. To learn more about skunks, get letters from O'Dor.
Photo by Victor Miyata from Pexels
Photo by Steve Bidmead from Pixabay
Meet Cactus, the Bunaboom Zoo porcupine. She must be handled with care all of the time. She is covered in needle-like spikes known as quills. If you want to hold Cactus, you better have skills. She loves hugs and kisses when they are to be had, but stomps her feet and then hisses when she gets mad.
To learn more about porcupines you could just ask us, but who better to learn from, then directly from Cactus?
Photo by Ellie Burgin from Pexels
Meet Maverick, the goose of Bunaboom Zoo. He is a fly guy, always in a good mood. He can be found in the sky, or relaxing by water. They call him a silly goose, not many are odder.
Geese can be found in many different nations, flying through the sky in V-shaped formations. To learn more about geese, you will find no one better. ask Maverick, the goose, to write you a letter.
Photo by stokpic from Pixabay
Meet Boo, the Bunaboom Zoo hermit crab. She came to the zoo with her mom and her dad. Hermit crabs live in the shells on their backs. This helps hermit crabs hide from attacks. Her home is with her wherever she goes, Boo can move into a new one, whenever she grows.
​If learning from a hermit crab is something for you, then you will enjoy getting letters from Boo.