Photo by Benjamin Brandt from Pixabay

Meet Glamour, the Bunaboom Zoo manatee - a big beautiful creature from under the sea. She sees the beauty in all that surrounds her from the plants and the animals to the landscapes around her.
Manatees swim with their flippers and propel with their tails. They are aquatic mammals like dolphins and whales. They live underwater near the coast of an ocean, swimming with style and grace, although in slow motion. You will learn a lot more about the manatee in the letters from Glamour that you receive.

Photo by Iulian Ursache from Pixabay
Meet Zest, the Bunaboom Zoo seal. Happy is how she likes to make everyone feel. She can do tricks, you should see them all. She can balance on, bounce on, and toss a ball.
Seals can be found throughout the world's beaches from tropical areas to very cold regions. To learn more about seals, you can learn from the best in letters to you that were written by Zest.

Photo by skeeze from Pixabay

Meet Ambrose, the walrus of Bunaboom Zoo. He will get straight to the point, not to be rude. He snorts and he bellows, which comes off as aggressive. Plus, walrus tusks are enormous - it's really impressive.
In the Arctic Ocean, along coastlines all around is where walruses, like Ambrose, all can be found. To learn more about walruses, I suppose and propose, the best to way to do that is to talk to Ambrose.

Photo by Capri23auto from Pixabay
Meet Teeter and Totter, the penguins of Bunaboom Zoo. The twins stick together - where there is one, there is two. They love swimming, splashing, and acting like clowns - always giggling and laughing when they joke around.
Penguins live in the snow, ice, and cold. They are not from the north, but from the south pole. To learn more about Teeter, and Totter too, you can read about penguins in letters to you.

Photo by Paul Edney from Pixabay

Meet Genuine, the Bunaboom Zoo puffin, whose friends call her Gen. She loves to eat fish, again and again. She can soar through the sky, and fly like the wind. And, she can fly through the water, that is how puffins swim!
On the Atlantic Ocean in-between and around North America and Europe are where puffins are found. For more information about this lovable bird, reach out to Gen, and just say the word.

Photo by Onkel Ramirez from Pixabay
Meet Ice, the polar bear cub of Bunaboom Zoo. He is nice and cool, but dangerous, too. Especially to seals - his favorite food. But, he will always defend Zest from others like him, because oddly enough, Zest is his friend.
Where polar bears live, there are no penguins found. Polar bears live at the north pole, and penguins are south. If you want to learn more about the polar bear way, sign up to read about what Ice has to say.