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  • 6 coins

  • 2 paper bowls

  • Tape or glue


How to do the trick

Use the tape (or glue) to attach 3 coins to the bottom of a paper bowl. Put the other 3 coins on top of them - they will slide around and jingle and make it seem like all of the coins are doing that.


Show your audience that your bowl has 6 coins.


Put the empty bowl over top of the bowl with the coins and hold them tight together so that the coins do not fall out.


Spin the bowls around 3 times.

Count it out to the audience: 1... 2... 3!


Show the audience the bowl of coins by lifting the top bowl. Now there are only 3 coins! You made half of them disappear.


Put the other bowl back on top. Hold the bowls together tight so the coins do not fall out.


Spin the bowls around 3 times again.

Count it out to the audience: 1... 2... 3!


Show the audience the bowl of coins by lifting the top bowl.


Now all 6 coins are back!

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